FP Swap Stratergies

FP Swap Stratergies


swap buddy

The idea of swap buddy is for 2 players to place fps onto each others buildings so that you don't loose "fps" while getting rewards.

1.9 levelling

The going rate of investments if 1.9 the rewards rate, this is the cheapest way to level a great building in the following figure, you will see that the owner saved 315fp to complete the level, the amount saved increases every level.

arc level 8 to 9

FP Drain

Is the amount of forgepoints you will loose investing in your own building is 100% fp drain because you will get nothing back, investing in 1.9 with a level 80 arc is 0 fp drain because you get it all back.

The level 80 arc swap buddies

This is for 2 players that have the same level building and are looking to swap with each other to bank fps and get more blueprints. This is the ideal case because the fp drain is the same as 1.9 thread, but you don't need to find buildings to place on etc, because you just add to your swap buddies building. All the fp you pay over 1.9 are replaced to you by discounting the cost of your great building requirements.

The arc swap buddies

level 10 - 20

The cost to level your arc on 1.9 is 4,384

swapping fp drain on 1.9 (assuming no growth so its a bit less) p1 = 1,109 (3+4+4+4+4+5+5+5+5=390.35+39=~52bps) p2 = 562 (2+4+4+4+3+3+3+3+3+3=320.35+32=~44bps) p3 = 195 (2+2+2+2+2+3+3+3+3+3=250.35=~34bps) p4 = 51 (1+1+1+2+2+2+2+2+2+2=170.35+17=~23bps) (0fp)

it can be assumed that all extra forge points added over 1.9 is drain that would occur when levelling your building

Self lock

The basic idea is to lock yourself, without the owners assistance this is most commonly done with the p1 position, consider the following level:

in order to lock first you need to place 430fp which will reduce the owners total contribution from 545 to 296 which is a saving of 249fp, which is the value that p1 over placed by.

While this is the simplest approach, it can be quite a lot of fps as a great building increases by its level, without having a high level arc you loose many fps in this process.